On Monday, 19 September, I was driving down County Road 98 in Finnmark County. Northward from Tana Bridge to Ruostefjelbma.
Blue skies and orange leaves. On the sound system, Gillian Welch was singing ‘They threw me out of Sunday School when I was nine’, when I came upon a white meeting house with blue trim on the right side of the road. White picket fence. A quotation from the Bible on the wall. The whole setting was so beautiful.
Now why couldn’t number 240 have been here?”, I asked myself. I stopped the car and got out to look around. What is that behind the bushes over there? I ran into a thicket. Aha! Number 244 is right next door to the meeting house! Can you beat that? Is it possible to have such a stroke of luck? I set up the camera, took some shots, and three minutes later, I was the happiest fellow in the world.
Helge Skodvin