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On 5 December, former NJP photographer Eivind H. Natvig will be launching his book “Du Er Her NoYou Are Here Now” in Oslo.

Du Er Her NoYou Are Here Now” is Eivind H. Natvig’s own view of his homeland. He portrays a Norway free of hackneyed clichés such as beautiful fjords and blonds. Instead, it is a country filled with darkness, humour, colours and wild contrasts. Natvig also worked on this project during his two-year stint with NJP.

“In 2007, I began taking photos of Norway, but they were not on commission and were not of commercial value. The photos did not even have a particular meaning. Instead, they were like a visual relief. These photographs were taken out of the joy of discovering Home, a country I had hardly visited. In 2011, the project got the upper hand and I spent 12 months on the road in self-imposed homelessness”, writes Natvig about his project.

On 5 December, Natvig will be coming to the Fritt Ord Foundation in Oslo at 5 p.m. for the launch of his book, which will be published by Tartaruga Press.

See photos on the websites of Time magazine and National Geographic’s photo website Proof.

The book can be ordered from Tartaruga Press.

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