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The Fall

The Fall presents a series of photographs that explore popular myths about the Apocalypse and less credible, related theories. From La Palma on the Canary Islands, to the USA and the Greek island of Patmos, where the Book of Revelations was written, I explore how society is preparing to meet potentially catastrophic events triggered by environmental or other factors.

Random encounters with strange men who are searching for their mother’s lost wedding ring in the middle of a desert, survivors, preppers, religious cults and people who dwell in bunkers. Each encounter resulted in a series of photo portraits accompanied by a personal doomsday story based on interviews, field recordings and a handwritten journal.

With the popular genre ‘road trip photography’ as a starting point, I drove into the American west all alone, in fear and in awe, heading down the road to the Apocalypse. The Fall is a product of my background in journalism and art, made by combining documentary photography and fiction to reflect on society’s collective fear, imaginary and genuine, rational and irrational.

About Giulia:

Giulia Mangione (Italy, 1987) is an artist who earned a master’s degree in Art from the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design at the University of Bergen. She also holds a master’s degree in comparative literature from Goldsmiths, University of London, and a diploma in visual storytelling from the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX).

She uses photography, writing and video to tell stories about identity and the sense of belonging to a place. In her first book, Halfway Mountain (Journal, 2018), she examines what happiness is in the happiest country in the world. The book was selected for the Prix du Livre at Les Rencontres d’Arles, and it was nominated for the MACK First Book Award. Recent exhibitions include K-U-K in Trondheim, the Oslo Photobook Festival at the Photo Gallery, Bergen Art Centre, and Oslo Negative.

Her works have also been shown at the International Centre of Photography (ICP) in New York, Musée de l’Élysée in Lausanne (CH), and the Photo Forum in Bolzano (IT).


Rock, vaktmesteren i en spøkelsesby, USA. Fra serien Black Swan.

Stormkjøkken, Belgia. Fra serien Black Swan.

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