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Vi inviterer til lanseringsfest for første utgave av Norwegian Journal of Photography (NJP) fredag 5. april 2013, kl. 18.00, i Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo, med presentasjoner av alle fotoprosjektene.

Boken inneholder ti uavhengige fotoessays av Helge Skodvin, Andrea Gjestvang, Karin Beate Nøsterud, Ingvild Vaale Arnesen, Ellen Lande Gossner, Marie Sjøvold, Monica Larsen, Linda Bournane Engelberth, Eivind H. Natvig og Oddleiv Apneseth.

Program for kvelden: Velkommen ved Fritt Ord og NJP-redaktørene, presentasjoner av fotoessayene ved fotografene, sang og musikk med Valkyrien Allstars, avduking og oppakking av bøkene, og en forleggers ord om hvorfor boken ser ut som den


“As photographers and bookmakers, we firmly believe that the best way to deepen and expand a photographer’s vision is to give him or her the time and support to work on a long-term project that he or she is passionate about – and this is exactly what the NJP has provided each photographer. For the past two years – and in some instances longer – these talented and committed Norwegian men and women have been photographing their country, bringing to each project curiosity, intelligence, and passion—as well as a unique eye.”
Look north more often: Alex Webb, Rebecca Norris Webb

“Over the past two years, NJP and the Fritt Ord Foundation have brought together and encouraged ten Norwegian photographers who have been working on their own individual projects over time. Our goal is to cultivate a photographic community here at home. We aspire to create an inspiring forum that will enable Norwegian photographers to show their works internationally while continuing to produce relevant and exciting visual stories.”
– Foreword: Rune Eraker, Laara Matsen, Espen Rasmussen (NJP editors)

Det svenske fotobokforlaget Journal står bak utgivelsen.

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