Skodvin has a style and a visual expression that differ from those of the other participants. He has cultivated a distinctive direction in his photography which is thoroughly prepared and well suited to his project.
The clean form and keen observations of the pictures emphasise the absurd and humorous qualities of his project. The project idea, which he has already begun to develop, is original, enabling him to view Norway with new eyes.
Excerpt from the project description
240 Landscapes
A total of 2 850 000 Volvo 240s were produced from 1974 to 1993. This model became the most popular car in the Nordic countries. And 84 287 of them were sold in Norway. I have started photographing these cars, and will continue to take pictures of them wherever I see them parked: in front of a house, in a driveway, in a parking space, in a garage. With these pictures I want to show how we live – what it looks like around us. I want to show the landscape of everyday life. The absence of people in the pictures is deliberate, but their presence is always implied, represented by the things they surround themselves with and use. For me, the Volvo 240 is a means of tying the project together. More than any other car, the 240 represents Norwegian values: it is safe, sturdy and dull. Square-cut and phlegmatic, but solid and trustworthy. But just like social democracy and social equality, in the end things went badly for the 240. In 1993, it was over and out.